APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSIONS Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.STUDENT DETAILSUpload Student's Portrait Photo * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. - Accepted file format: JPG, PNG - Max file size: 3MBFamily Name *Given Name *Middle Name *Preferred Name *Nationality *Address *Date of Birth *Gender *MaleFemaleFirst Language *Student email (if Secondary)Names and ages of any siblings currently attending TASHas the child applied or attended this school previously? *YesNoIs your child living at home with *ParentsGuardians/RelativesFAMILY DETAILSMother Information-Mother's Family Name *Mother's First Name *Mother's Nationality *Mother's First Language *Mother's Mobile Number *Mother's Email Address *Father Information-Father's Family Name *Father's First Name *Father's Nationality *Father's First Language *Father's Mobile Number *Father's Email Address *Because the student is currently living with guardians, please complete the guardian information below:Guardian 1 Details-Guardian 1 Family NameGuardian 1 First NameGuardian 1 NationalityGuardian 1 First LanguageGuardian 1 Mobile NumberGuardian 1 Email AddressGuardian 2 Details-Guardian 2 Family NameGuardian 2 First NameGuardian 2 NationalityGuardian 2 First LanguageGuardian 2 Mobile NumberGuardian 2 Email AddressSCHOOL HISTORY: STUDENTAt what age did the child start formal schooling?Please list the last 2 schools attended, and attach copies of recent reports and transcripts. These documents need to have either a Notary or Company English translation with Stamp. The admissions process cannot proceed without this.+ SCHOOL 01School Name 1 *Language of instruction *Address of school *Dates attended:From (Date/Month/Year) *To (Date/Month/Year) *Year/Grade *What month did the academic year begin? *+ SCHOOL 02School Name 2 *Language of instruction *Address of school *Dates attended:From (Date/Month/Year) *To (Date/Month/Year) *Please indicate the last grade/class completed in full *Date of completion (DD/MM/YYYY) *Type of curriculum (e.g. IB, British, USA, National System) *Please list the child’s particular interests/talents, or school activities in which they have been involved.Has the child ever been suspended or requested to withdraw from a school? *YesNoPlease explain the reason why the child was suspended or requested to withdraw from that schoolIf not a native English speaker, has the child had instruction or experience in English? *YesNoPlease explain the situation in which the child had instruction or experience in English *For how long? *Please choose the child’s level of proficiency in English *BeginnerIntermediateAdvancedWhat language(s) do you speak at home? *What other languages does your child speak? *Has the child’s educational program ever been modified for any of the following reasons?Behavioral *YesNoAcademic *YesNoGifted/Talented *YesNoPlease explain the situation in which the child's educational program was modifiedDoes the child currently receive any special educational assistance? *YesNoPlease explain the the reason(s) why the child currently receives special educational assistanceHas the child ever been tested by a Learning Specialist or Psychologist? *YesNoPlease explain the situation and attach past and current records *Does the child have any medical or physical disabilities? *YesNoIf this information has not been provided above, please explain *PARENT EMPLOYMENT INFORMATIONName of Company/Organization *Name of Employer *Company Position *Company Address *Work Phone *Work Email *ADMISSIONS INFORMATIONPreference for Year/Grade placement *Expected date of enrollment (DD/MM/YYYY) *Expected length of stay if knownPossible date of withdrawal (DD/MM/YYYY)TUITION FEE INFORMATIONFee Payment *by Parentby CompanyBothParent's payment percentage *Company's payment percentage *Billing Name (if different from the parent or the Company Name above)Billing Email Contact *Parents are ultimately responsible for the payment of school fees; regardless of any arrangement that parents have with their employers. For further information or discussion, please contact [email protected].REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FOR ADMISSION1. Application Form. 2. Copy of child’s ID, Birth Certificate or Passport 3. Submit recent student’s passport-size photograph or send them to us as a PDF or JPG file, white background, good resolution. 4. The last two school reports received from the current school. Transcript if Grade 9 & above. If not in English a Notary or Company English translation with Stamp is required. 5. Completed TAS Medical Report with all School Required vaccinations completed and entered into the Report.IMPORTANT NOTES1. Application Forms should be submitted as early as spaces are generally limited. 2. The Application Form is unable to be processed until the school first receives the payment of a one time, non-re-fundable application fee. 3. Supporting documentation listed above may be submitted separately after completing and submitting the application form. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SCHOOL & PARENTS/GUARDIANSTo the Head of School I/we desire to enroll Family name *First/Given name *Middle name *as a student at The American School (TAS). If this application is successful, I/we hereby agree to the following conditions of enrollment: I/we agree to understand, accept and support the Philosophy and Mission of the school and be bound by the rules governing the school, the authority of the Head of School and the Board of Management of the school. I/we agree to provide all requested academic documentation to TAS for enrollment purposes and to connect the TAS Principal or Counsellor to the current/previous school to provide further information if deemed a requirement. I/we agree that the school reserves the right, following admission, to discontinue the enrollment of a student at any time if it becomes evident that the school was misinformed regarding any application documentation or it becomes evident that the school does not have the resources to address successfully the individual needs of that student. I/we have read and fully understood the terms and conditions listed in the Fee Schedule for the current academic year. I/we agree that for the payments of fees, we are jointly (together) and severally (alone), liable, regardless of whether a letter from a company or organization is provided clearly accepting its full liability for fee payments. I/we agree to pay all fees as detailed on fee invoices and I/we understand that the non-payment on or before the requested date excludes the student from attending TAS. It is our obligation to ensure the fees due are paid on time. I/we agree to accept and be bound by the rules governing health and medical requirements for the safety of all students and faculty at the school. It is our obligation to ensure that evidence of required medical examinations, along with evidence of required immunizations are provided to the school within the stipulated period. I/we understand and accept that students may be required to undergo further medical emergency and/or safety precautionary measures during times of disease outbreak, or where medical investigative measures are deemed necessary by school policy or the Head of School. I/we agree that the School has a position in “loco parentis” and as such the teacher can exercise on behalf of parents, such discipline they regard as necessary or expedient for the student in accordance with the guidelines set down in the school’s discipline policy. I/we agree the School may at its discretion, suspend or terminate a student’s enrollment for failure to comply with the conditions of this Agreement, as well as for other serious breaches of the school’s rules and regulations. I/we agree for all reports, references, letters of recommendation and other supporting documentation submitted to the Admissions department in support of an application to The American School shall, upon receipt, become the property of the school and be treated as strictly confidential. The school has the sole discretion in determining whether to disclose, allow access, provide a copy or to return such information to any party who may request such information. I/we agree that the school is not liable for any loss or damage to the student’s personal belongings. I/we agree to allow my/our children to involve themselves in all of the school’s activities, including excursions/field trips arranged by the school. I/we agree that in the case of an emergency, the school is permitted to give appropriate medical attention and/or treatment. I/we agree that student photographs, images and recordings can be used for school marketing materials. I/we do hereby undertake to indemnify and save harmless the school, management and staff in respect of any liability arising in consequence hereof and further undertake to obtain insurance cover for our said child and when necessary, and in particular in respect of travel and official school activities, against all risks. I/we understand and agree to comply with the TAS 1-1 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy and to the TAS technology usage policy. I/we agree to read and follow the regulations and guidelines of the TAS Parent & Student Handbook.By submitting this form, I/we confirm that I/we have read and agreed with the Agreement. Submit